Inte nog med att jag skjuter upp skolarbetet till sista minuten, nej nej, nu är min lilla pissdator i farten igen. Som alla förmodligen vet saknas själva knappen till min r-tangent. Ja, och den har ju funkat fint fram tills idag då den satans lilla pluppen jag har tryckt på ramlar av. Så nu är det en platt yta jag har att trycka på. Saktar ner mitt tempo oerhört!
Bara så ni vet.
(Eminem - We made you)
It's not enough with leaving all the schoolwork to the last minute, no no, my computer has to be difficult too. As you probably know have I lost the r-button and are just pressing a small thing. Today that one fell off and now I only got a flat space to press on. Slows me down a lot!
Just so you know.
Bara så ni vet.
(Eminem - We made you)
It's not enough with leaving all the schoolwork to the last minute, no no, my computer has to be difficult too. As you probably know have I lost the r-button and are just pressing a small thing. Today that one fell off and now I only got a flat space to press on. Slows me down a lot!
Just so you know.